Medical tourism

Products / Medical tourism

New Dimension to Medical Tourism

Way up & Raisa in Medical Tourism

Νέα διάσταση στον Ιατρικό Τουρισμό

Standing & transfer aid
The safe and comfortable standing and transfer aid to help people with weakened leg musculature.

The Original lifts WAY UP and  RAISA ware conceived, patented, and produced by experienced specialists for people who cannot stand up or move from place to place safely without assistance.
RAISΑ, γερανάκι ανύψωσης και μεταφοράς
The WAY UP or RAISA standing aid can be adapted without problem to any person's body size. Depending on your wishes and needs and the model desired.

The WAY UP o RAISA lifts facilitates straight, completely relaxed standing, as well as pleasant, light transport even over longer distances. The lifts functional and solidly built down to the last detail. The base legs are easily spread to allow direct access to wheelchair patients. The lifts can pass through even narrow doorways.

































